Friday Funny #64: This is why I must keep the Otterbox

Two Saturdays ago I was up and out of bed super early in preparation for our first baby shower.  The shower was held at The Glitz restaurant at Irish Acres Antiques – a lovely little place with delicious food.  Since the location was an hour away from our home base, I volunteered to drive my mom, B’s mom, and Tracy.  Being that I seldom have more than one person in the car with me and most often my only passengers are of the canine persuasion, I had some serious car cleaning to do.  Like most things, this task took much longer than anticipated.

I was outside cleaning the car before the sun came up.  B called to say he was at work and I placed my phone on top of the car for safe keeping.  I took a break for breakfast and went back out to work.  That little car was practically sparkling on the inside, but the outside was still covered in salt solution from all our winter weather road treatments.  Clearly this would need attention.

I went back inside for some water and to grab my purse and keys.  On my way out, I nearly brought the dogs with me – DUH I had just vacuumed a dog-worth of fur out of the backseat and off the ceiling.  I hopped in and pulled out driving to our nearest, if not our best, car wash.

Did I mention that I needed to leave my house by 9:10 to pick up my mom and at this time it was 8:30 and I had not showered?  Yeah, time management is not my strong suit these days.  I zipped to the car wash, selected my option, fed my money, and slowly pulled in for the undercarriage cleaning.  Get that salt and mud off!

And then, like a lightening bolt it hit me.  My Phone.  MY PHONE!!!  Literally, I smacked both hands to my head.  Gah – it must be in the street outside my house.  CRAP IT’S BEEN RUN OVER!!!  Well, maybe it’s still on top of the car?  What are the odds of that though, after driving more than three miles with several turns? 

But throwing caution to the wind and acknowledging that the car wash sprayers had finished their pre-soak and were just about to start the power washing, I rolled down my window and peered on top of the car.  There the phone was, sitting just where I left it.  I whipped my arm out and grabbed that sucker, quickly getting back inside and rolling up the window.  I still needed to get a shower, but not from the power washers.

My phone was completely fine.  A little damp, but all I had to do was pull off the rubber cover and wipe it dry. Thank goodness for the grippy Otterbox.

Then it was off to the gas station – because Heaven forbid I do any proper planning and have enough gas in the tank to drive us all up and back.

By the time I got home, got the dogs out for their last potty break and got myself out of the shower, I had 17 minutes to get dressed, my makeup on, my hair fixed, and out the door.  And that is what I did.  Well, my hair was sort of dry and I had a ponytail holder handy, but otherwise I was ready for my very first baby shower and running right on time.  Whew.